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IT Wurks Blog

IT Wurks has been serving the Staten Island area since 1990, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

Will Google Revolutionize Internet Privacy?

Will Google Revolutionize Internet Privacy?

Your privacy on the Internet matters, even if you don’t think you have anything to hide. Over the last few years, this has become more and more evident as we watch tech giants profit off of understanding the people who use their services. Facebook, Amazon, and Google are among them. Google in particular has made some recent policy changes that are worth understanding.

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What’s Going on With the Internet?

What’s Going on With the Internet?

The Internet was always envisioned to be a network capable of sharing information across the globe—hence, the term “world wide web.” However, many online services are currently at odds with governing bodies, many business tactics and decisions impacted or even prohibited as a result. Let’s examine some of these tactics, and how the Internet has been impacted.

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How to Work with Web-Based Images, Part 2: Resizing

How to Work with Web-Based Images, Part 2: Resizing

It wasn’t long ago that we shared a post that described the most common formats used to share image media online or via your email. The idea is to make sure the images you generate are contained in the smallest amount of space possible (or a smaller file size) to make them quick and easy to share and download—the trick is to do it without sacrificing any image quality.

Let’s go over how to do just this while using the most common image editing program out there: Adobe Photoshop (although the same process should work for just about any application you use).

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How to Work with Web-Based Images, Part 1: File Types

How to Work with Web-Based Images, Part 1: File Types

If you operate online at all, being able to properly manage your pictures is extraordinarily useful. This week, we’ve put together a guide that will hopefully give you the information to understand the basics about manipulating images for use online. 

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Considering the Status of Net Neutrality in 2021

Considering the Status of Net Neutrality in 2021

It has been made very clear over the past few years—last week in particular—that the political atmosphere in the United States is particularly prickly, to put it mildly. One contested subject has, however, flown under the radar in recent months: net neutrality. Let’s reexamine the situation surrounding net neutrality and what is likely to come about with the new administration.

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How a Content Filter Can Become Complicated

How a Content Filter Can Become Complicated

So, as the boss, you’re concerned about your employees wasting time, especially on the Internet. However, you can’t exactly keep them off the Internet, as that’s where their work is done. With distractions like social media, streaming, and literally everything else out there to draw their attention away, how can you hope to compete?

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Our Recommendations for Your Wireless Network

Our Recommendations for Your Wireless Network

The typical business network will contain quite a few critical assets that need to be protected, which means that you need to seriously consider anything you add to that network. Take the wireless network that your business uses--how secure is it, and how well does it work? Well, we have a few ways that you can ensure that the answer to both these questions is “well.”

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What Will Happen in the Net Neutrality Debate?

What Will Happen in the Net Neutrality Debate?

With the 2018 repeal of net neutrality laws, many Internet users were concerned about the financial ramifications of those companies who profit off of the delivery of the Internet being put in control. The assumption was that speeds would plummet while costs grew. Now, about a year later, have these predictions turned out to be reality?

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Is Bandwidth More Affordable with Corporate-Controlled Internet?

Is Bandwidth More Affordable with Corporate-Controlled Internet?

After the net neutrality laws were repealed in 2018, many people were afraid of what that would mean for their wallets. As huge telecommunications corporations gained control over the Internet, many Americans were left supposing that they were going to be facing higher bills and slower speeds. How has this materialized in the 11 months since net neutrality was repealed?

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Here are 3 Benefits of Having a Powerful Wireless Network

Here are 3 Benefits of Having a Powerful Wireless Network

The average technology user finds wireless connectivity practically a necessity. The second the Wi-Fi drops out and is unusable, panic ensues. The same can be said for any business that relies on it. In particular, organizations that depend on wireless connectivity can’t even function without it. We’ll walk you through ways your organization can benefit from a strong wireless network.

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Which Browser Do You Prefer?

Which Browser Do You Prefer?

Finding the right web browser for your business’ needs can be challenging, as every user is different and will likely have a preference. While it’s easy to list off the most well-known browsers, including Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox, it’s more difficult to find one that suits your needs. Which one can you count on most to get your work done in an efficient manner?

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Intro to Your Tech: Link

Intro to Your Tech: Link

Navigation is critical to success in just about any computing system, and the Internet is no exception. In essence, it’s a compilation of web pages, images, videos, and countless other bits of content that are all interconnected by what are called “links.”

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It May Sound Loony, But Internet Deliverability is Expanding

It May Sound Loony, But Internet Deliverability is Expanding

Believe it or not, the Internet we rely on so much is only accessible by half of the world today. It can be hard to grasp, considering the effectively-constant access that we have, but more than three and a half billion people in the world lack the means to access any of it. However, Google started to change that years ago, when it created an R&D facility known as Google X.

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Tech Term: Bandwidth

Tech Term: Bandwidth

Here’s a question we want you to take a second to consider...How much do you rely on the Internet? The answer for almost everyone is that it is essential to your current quality of life. Technologies have been developed, industries have been launched, and literally billions of people use it every day, making it one of the predominant inventions in human history. At the heart of this phenomenal technology is bandwidth.

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Tech Term: Cookies Defined

Tech Term: Cookies Defined

Chances are, if you’ve spent any amount of time around a computer, you’ve heard of browser cookies. What you may not have heard, is what these cookies do. For today’s Tech Term, we’ll explore what cookies are, and what they do.

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Tech Term: Modems and Routers Defined

Tech Term: Modems and Routers Defined

The Internet is an amazing tool, only bolstered by our ability to access it wirelessly - but what do you know about the devices that allow us to access it, namely, modems and routers? Do you know what each does? For today’s tech term, we’ll dive into exactly that.

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