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IT Wurks Blog

IT Wurks has been serving the Staten Island area since 1990, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

How Will the IoT Be Shaped by 5G Connectivity?

How Will the IoT Be Shaped by 5G Connectivity?

If there’s any technology that has received hype in recent months, 5G connectivity has to at least be a contender for the most anticipated. The fifth generation of wireless connectivity is staged to benefit society and business alike through improved automation—particularly with the concurrent growth of the Internet of Things helping to develop the next iteration of the economy. Let’s consider how 5G is shaping up, and the impacts that it will likely have in the future.

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3 Ways Your Business Can Take Advantage of Artificial Intelligence

3 Ways Your Business Can Take Advantage of Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence has taken the world by storm, and with recent improvements to automated technology and machine learning, it should be clear that this technology is not going anywhere anytime soon. With proper implementation, artificial intelligence can help your business cut costs, improve operations, and mitigate unnecessary or repetitive tasks, all of which compounds to create a smoother and more manageable workload for your employees.

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Data Backup Protects Everything You’ve Built

Data Backup Protects Everything You’ve Built

When you have a thorough and powerful data backup strategy in place at your business, you are protecting your operations, your employees, and your customers from an array of terrible scenarios. Unfortunately, many businesses don’t think of data loss in the terms it should be considered in, a complete travesty. Today, we thought we would briefly describe the long and short of data backup and recovery practices that can put your business in a position to secure and restore your data should it be corrupted, destroyed, or stolen.

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HR Isn’t So Tough with the Right Technology

HR Isn’t So Tough with the Right Technology

When you think of human resources (HR), you may not consider them the most essential part of your organization, but they have a lot of responsibilities. They coordinate a lot of the administrative issues of a business. They handle the onboarding, recruiting, and offboarding of workers. They handle payroll and sometimes, in smaller organizations, they do much, much more. With everything that needs to be done, it can be a real grind, but it doesn’t have to be. Today, we take a look at how new technology can improve your organization’s HR effectiveness. 

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Debunking Over-Exaggerated and Overused IT Buzzwords

Debunking Over-Exaggerated and Overused IT Buzzwords

Have you ever listened to someone talk about something that they really have a good handle on? One of two things will happen. First, their language will be filled to bursting with buzzwords and jargon that—while they clearly know what it all means—is confusing for a layperson. We can be guilty of this ourselves, so we wanted to take a few moments to take the second option and discuss what they mean in more common terms… and, despite how others may use them, what they don’t.

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An Upcoming Windows Update Might Optimize Your PC Based on How You Use It

An Upcoming Windows Update Might Optimize Your PC Based on How You Use It

Windows is the most used operating system in the world, which should really come as no surprise. After all, it can be found in just about every environment: most businesses utilize it, and there is no shortage of Windows desktops and laptops in homes around the world. While nothing has been set in stone yet, Microsoft may implement a new setting to let all the different uses of Windows shine.

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Your Data Recovery Needs to Be Ironed Out Before You Lose Your Data

Your Data Recovery Needs to Be Ironed Out Before You Lose Your Data

Data backup is a must-have for every business, but it isn’t enough to just copy your data. You will need to have a data recovery strategy in place to ensure that your business can effectively respond after a data loss incident. Today, we’ll take a look at why considering your recovery strategy early is important, and how to prioritize it with everything else going on with your business.

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Does Your Business Have Enough Bandwidth To Grow?

Does Your Business Have Enough Bandwidth To Grow?

Chances are you can’t “speak” face-to-face with your customers right now due to social distancing, but that doesn’t mean you can’t conduct business. The internet has allowed many companies to keep their lines of communication open throughout the entirety of the pandemic and these strategies will likely be sustained after this period is over. Ironically, the reliance on online communication has exposed the gaps in broadband businesses face. Today, we will help you learn a little bit more about how to determine if your business may need more bandwidth. 

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Are Apple Computers Really More Secure?

Are Apple Computers Really More Secure?

For the better part of four decades, Apple has bragged that not only are their devices more secure than PCs, hackers don’t bother building threats specifically for their operating systems because their security is so superior. For this reason, Apple has routinely refused advances from law enforcement to share workarounds so that police can get into phones. Apple’s rationale for this constant refusal is that it would undermine their ability to keep the most secure personal computing devices, secure. Federal law enforcement officials went ahead and developed their own workaround and the findings may surprise many Apple aficionados. Let’s take a look:

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Technology That Is Helping Improve Society

Technology That Is Helping Improve Society

The emergence of technology has been at the forefront of all major evolutions of human society. Fire, the wheel, electricity, and countless other intuitive innovations have got us where we are today. If you were to quiz the average person, they would point out that today there seems to be so much derision on any subject that it seems that civilization is breaking down. This perspective fails to recognize the importance that technology plays in the dissemination of opinions. Today, we will take a good look at three technologies that are working to improve society.

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Improving Business Requires a Consistent Approach

Improving Business Requires a Consistent Approach

Building business strategies that actually work to promote productivity has to be a core consideration for every business. Some business owners will try about anything to get there, and their stories will get other business owners to try them out, often with much less success. One of the best ways to build more productive and sustainable business processes is to ensure that they are repeatable. Today, we’ll discuss how building more consistency can really benefit your business.

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Rethinking Your Business’ IT Strategy Can Have A Lot of Benefits

Rethinking Your Business’ IT Strategy Can Have A Lot of Benefits

“Doing things the old-fashioned way” isn’t often how a managed service provider will operate, but in some respects, this really is the best course to take with your IT, at least in terms of strategy. Let’s consider some principles and best practices that have largely remained the same even as time has changed.

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Solid State is a Solid Choice for Your PC’s Main Hard Drive

Solid State is a Solid Choice for Your PC’s Main Hard Drive

If you are buying a new desktop or laptop, one of the specifications you might care about is how much data it can store. After all, your family computer needs plenty of storage for your photos and documents, and if you have kids, they’ll want to install games and other applications on it that fill up a hard drive. These days, however, it’s less about how much space your hard drive has and more about how fast it can run. Let’s explain this, and then talk about something you should almost always look for when picking a hard drive for your PC.

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What 2021 Should Hold for 5G

What 2021 Should Hold for 5G

2020 was a big year for the wireless industry. The start of 5G, while hotly anticipated, was kind of a flop outside of some select places. Today, we thought we would discuss the changes and considerations that the telecoms are going to have to confront in 2021.

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3 Apps That Are the New Face of Collaboration

3 Apps That Are the New Face of Collaboration

Collaboration is central to most business’ production strategies nowadays. It’s no secret that businesses are doing more with less and in order to coordinate resources that are stretched thin, companies are looking to collaborative software titles. Today, we will briefly go through three of the most popular collaboration apps to give you an idea of what they can bring to your business. 

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Understanding VPN and How One Helps Your Business

Understanding VPN and How One Helps Your Business

With remote work remaining a popular option embraced by many businesses nowadays, it is more important than ever that security is prioritized amongst the employees now operating outside of the office. One facet of doing so is to implement a virtual private network, or a VPN. Let’s go over what a VPN is, and how it works to protect your business’ data.

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Embrace These Solutions for Improved Collaboration

Embrace These Solutions for Improved Collaboration

Collaboration is a critical consideration—especially nowadays, with more people than ever before working remotely. Fortunately, there are plenty of solutions available today that enable the level of communication necessary for effective collaboration to take place. Let’s go over some of the tools your business should embrace to fulfill its needs.

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Why Managed Services Are Your Best Bet for IT Support

Why Managed Services Are Your Best Bet for IT Support

If you’re seeking out an IT resource to assist your business in maintaining its all-important technology resources, you’re almost certainly seeking out the option that will give you the greatest return on your investment in terms of value. There is no denying that we are biased in our opinion, but that doesn’t change the fact that—dollar for dollar—the investment you make into managed services will always be the best choice.

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Does a Cheap Smartphone Make Sense for You?

Does a Cheap Smartphone Make Sense for You?

There’s no denying that marketing is a big deal for smartphone manufacturers. They spend a lion’s share of their money pushing one or two devices on the public, when they build many more that sell as well or better. The thing is, not everyone has $1,000-to-$2,000 to drop on a cellphone every couple of years. To wrap up our look at the smartphone market, we thought we’d introduce you to some phones that won’t bust your budget and that can still provide users some value. 

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New Smartphones with New (or Older) Shapes

New Smartphones with New (or Older) Shapes

Last week we explored the flagship smartphones that are on the market right now. Today, we wanted to look at some different devices. These devices carry the price tag of a flagship (or cost more), but don’t necessarily have the specs that you would expect from devices priced in that area. They explore new form factors, or in some cases, older form factors. Let’s briefly discuss four innovative new devices.

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