Are You Having A Technology Emergency?

IT Wurks Blog

IT Wurks has been serving the Staten Island area since 1990, providing IT Support such as technical helpdesk support, computer support, and consulting to small and medium-sized businesses.

The Right IT Can Be a Solid Profit Generator

The Right IT Can Be a Solid Profit Generator

Revenue generation is the name of the game for businesses. That’s why the decisions they make with their available capital are really important. SMBs especially need to have a rapid and noticeable return on their investments if they want to keep pace. To that end, technology is one investment that can provide that kind of fast ROI. Here are three ways you can use technology to benefit your business.

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Cloud Hardware is More Popular Than Ever. Here’s Why

Cloud Hardware is More Popular Than Ever. Here’s Why

Each business uses a certain amount of technology to get things done, but today, no technology is as important to businesses as the Internet. You’ve begun to see businesses of all sizes spending thousands of dollars a month on Software-as-a-Service platforms designed to get workers the tools they need without placing undue pressure on a company’s capital budget. Today, we will talk about another cloud-based platform that is growing rapidly: Infrastructure-as-a-Service.

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Self Education Can Put You and Your Business Ahead

Self Education Can Put You and Your Business Ahead

The pandemic has been difficult for many business owners, but in this time of peril there has been a silver lining. Many business owners have taken some of the time away from business to sharpen their technical skills. Some of the skills these entrepreneurs are looking to improve include their understanding of the software, telecommunications, and marketing that they use in the course of doing business. To do this, they are using some of the same resources that you use when you want help sharpening your skills: YouTube

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Now is the Time to Seriously Consider Managed IT

Now is the Time to Seriously Consider Managed IT

So far, 2020 has been a bust, especially for businesses. The challenges that business owners have seen this year have been considerable to say the least: not only have there been economic and political tensions creating roadblocks, we’re now all dealing with the ramifications of an actual pandemic event. If any business is going to make it through all this, there needs to be a few shifts in how business technology is handled from this point on.

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Why Remote Employees Can Feel Overworked (and How to Avoid It)

Why Remote Employees Can Feel Overworked (and How to Avoid It)

While many people who were afforded the option have likely grown used to remote work at this point, that does not mean a business that adopts it can do so with complete impunity. One considerable issue that many remote workers have been experiencing is a sincere issue of overwork, believe it or not. Let’s examine why this is a problem, and how you can address it in your own business.

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To Reopen Safely, Business Will Need to Embrace Technology

To Reopen Safely, Business Will Need to Embrace Technology

COVID-19 has most small businesses in the United States over a barrel. On the one hand, reopening too soon could help the virus resume its spread, waiting too long could put an organization’s entire future in jeopardy. Fortunately, with the right technology at their disposal, businesses have a better option.

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How Cloud Solutions Fit into Businesses Today

How Cloud Solutions Fit into Businesses Today

Cloud computing has seen momentous growth over the past decade, but despite this, many business decision makers have been resistant to the change. However, with stay-at-home orders now keeping employees at home for months at a time, the cloud is swiftly becoming the best option to fulfill many of their needs. Let’s review how businesses can use the cloud to present solutions to solve potential problems. 

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What COVID-19 Has Meant for SMBs

What COVID-19 Has Meant for SMBs

COVID-19 has been pretty rough on the small business. Millions of businesses have either been forced to suspend or alter operations. Today, we wanted to point out that you may be distracted with a lot of things, but your business’ cybersecurity efforts need to be a priority.

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What Will Cybersecurity (Probably) Look Like in the Near Future?

What Will Cybersecurity (Probably) Look Like in the Near Future?

It isn’t exactly news that businesses of all sizes need to be concerned about cyberthreats - especially since, as time passes, these threats have become more serious and insidious. Up until this point, there have been tried-and-true methods that businesses could leverage to stop these threats, but hackers are very clever when it comes to their attacks. What can a business do?

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Which Option is Best for Your Conferencing Needs?

Which Option is Best for Your Conferencing Needs?

Today’s businesses are much more flexible in how they can hold meetings, thanks to the development of conferencing solutions. Using these solutions, many organizations have experienced operational benefits. Today, we’ll go over the considerations around selecting your business’ conferencing solution.

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Celebrating Women with Technical Jobs

Celebrating Women with Technical Jobs

March is Women’s History Month. Historically, there have been many industries where women haven’t traditionally played a role. Fortunately, roles are changing, and with the use of technology today’s workforce has become more inclusive and dynamic.

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Augmented Reality is Promising for Small Businesses

Augmented Reality is Promising for Small Businesses

Every so often, we encounter an IT solution that could prove to be intensely beneficial to businesses when it can be fully adopted, but also has a few obstacles to its complete implementation. Here, we’ll review how augmented reality can be used practically in the future, and the challenges that will need to be overcome in order to do so.

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How the Internet of Things Helps B2B and B2C Both

How the Internet of Things Helps B2B and B2C Both

The Internet of Things is nothing to shake a stick at - with well over 15 billion devices connecting to the Internet, it has become a force that cannot be ignored. This applies not only to the consumer devices that many associate the IoT with, but also the many IoT applications in the business world as well. Here, we’ll go into the IoT’s significance to businesses of all types.

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Personalities are Key to Successful Networking

Personalities are Key to Successful Networking

Almost everyone has, at one time, worked with someone with whom their personality clashed, whether they did not get along or just didn’t work effectively together. While this is a perfectly natural phenomenon of both nature and nurturing, it is best to put personal differences aside when forming a professional relationship with a coworker.

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9 Ingredients to Creating a Winning UCC Strategy

9 Ingredients to Creating a Winning UCC Strategy

If there is one thing that supports everything a successful business does, it has to be communication. Any company relies on its communications to ensure that its clients are satisfied with their services, and as communications have improved, it has only become easier for a unified communication and collaboration, or UCC, strategy to take form.

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Tip of the Week: 10 Technology Practices To Improve Business As Usual

Tip of the Week: 10 Technology Practices To Improve Business As Usual

In a business, some jobs belong to certain people: managers make sure that work is done when it needs to be, human resources make sure the workforce is accounted for, and so on. However, some jobs belong to everyone in the modern workplace who works with technology, For our tip of the week, we’ll go over some of these shared responsibilities.

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